The civic traffic in the city: Mexico through the eyes of Guillermo Prieto and Francisco Zarco


  • Lizette Martínez Willet Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB)


19th century, city, modernity


In the Latin American literature of the 19th century, ‘the city’ became one of the most frequent topics among the writers who contributed to the reorganization of the public, after the process of independence and the political stabilization of the nations. These stories served to circulate the ideals of order and civility that would guarantee the coming of progress in the nascent republics. In this context, we propose the analysis of some Hispanic Custom- Period articles from the middle of the century by the Mexican writers Guillermo Prieto and Francisco Zarco, which not only reinforce these notions, but also show some treatments that can be linkedto the fin-de-sièclechronicles. The comparative review of the urban pictures of these authors allows us to delve into the procedures that were used for the representation of the city in the period of national consolidation.


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Author Biography

Lizette Martínez Willet, Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB)

Licenciada en Letras (UCAB, 2008), Magíster en Literatura Latinoamericana (USB, 2013). Actualmente se desempeña como profesora del Departamento de Lenguaje y Literatura de la Universidad Simón Bolívar (Sartenejas). En la UCAB ha dictado las cátedras de Lenguaje y comprensión de textos (Escuela de Comunicación Social), y de Literatura Latinoamericana del siglo XIX y XX (Escuela de Letras).


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How to Cite

Martínez Willet, L. . (2019). The civic traffic in the city: Mexico through the eyes of Guillermo Prieto and Francisco Zarco. LETRAS, 59(95), 43–65. Retrieved from


