Navigating between linguistics and literature at the beginning of the 21st century
virtual scenario, language, literature, teaching, tasksAbstract
The aim of this documentary research is to discuss the current occupation of linguistic and literary studies as demanded by the early digital era that challenges traditional means of communication. To achieve this, the evolution of theoretical explanations and several of their applications are reviewed. We begin with the human origin of both areas and then move on to their epistemological explanations. This work interweaves three great turns: the discursive, the literacy and the virtual scenario, whose early age imposes responsible educated speculation. Our discussion is divided in four sections: i) the evolution of language and literature as literacy began its expansion; ii) the overturn that technology has brought about in terms of language and literature, and its teachings; iii) the consideration of language as a rudder to favor human expressive faculties and renewed communicational needs; and iv) a reflection on the complexity of future tasks. In our final considerations we aim at presenting some questions with the hope of establishing the contributions of literature in order to deal with artificial intelligence.
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