
  • María Alejandra Grzona Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Argentina


accessibility, training of teaching staff, inclusion, diversity, educational accessibility


The inclusive education makes possible the right of the students’ diversity. This investigation focuses in three main concepts that, like a spiral, constitute a milestone in the initial educator’s development framework: the educational accessibility, the dimensions of the didactic process, and the minimum proposals to take care of the diversity within the classroom. The educational diversity incorporates, in its axiological dimension, in an intersection point, duties and rights. We must undertake in real actions the concept of diversity, in order to change the traditional practices and to contribute to the success of multiple development zones- and not just a homogenized zone for all the students. The challenge of teaching institutions is to become educational and institutional models, throughout diversified knowledge modeling and the formation of new teachers; based on the innovative conceptions and advances in investigations.


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Author Biography

María Alejandra Grzona, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Argentina

Académica Titular de la Facultad de Educación Especial y Elemental, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCuyo-Argentina). Especialista internacional de Retos Múltiples. Experta en Universidad y Discapacidad.


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How to Cite

Grzona, M. A. . (2024). DIDACTIC APPROACH: THE EDUCATIONAL ACCESSIBILITY IN THE INCLUSIVE CLASSROOMS. INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSTGRADO, 29(2), 137–149. Retrieved from https://revistas.upel.edu.ve/index.php/investigacionypostgrado/article/view/3173


