Conflict of Interest Policy (author/ reviewers/evaluators)

Conflict of interest in a scientific publication is defined by Thompson (1993, cited by Arango Restrepo, 2014) as the set of conditions and circumstances that may unduly influence professional judgment in relation to the primary interest (patient welfare and treatment, validity of the research) for a secondary interest (economic gain, desire for notoriety, prestige, recognition and professional promotion).

In view of the above, the Conflict of Interest Policy of the journal Investigación y Postgrado urges potential authors to ensure that their procedures conform to international ethical codes and good editorial practices (COPE) for research in the Social Sciences. In addition, they should declare their sources of funding and whether there is a conflict of interest in this regard. This guarantee must be attached to the model letter of copyright assignment. If an undeclared conflict of interest is discovered, the Editorial Committee will decide, in plenary session, not to publish the article. The main author will receive the information generated in this regard and will be responsible for the declaration.

Referees (reviewers/evaluators) must be objective and impartial when evaluating the manuscript and avoid any situation that may compromise their judgment. The evaluator (reviewer/referee) has the duty to declare to the journal editor if there is any type of relationship (academic, professional, family, economic, financial) that compromises his/her ethics as a researcher or his/her professional judgment. If this is the case, he/she should point out to the editor that he/she is not in a position to review the article. You must also undertake not to copy, distribute or disseminate the information (in whole or in part) that you will evaluate. In case he/she needs it -because it is part of his/her area of study- he/she must inform the editor of the journal, in strict confidentiality.

Articles in Investigación y Postgrado are handled in strict anonymity between the parties involved (authors, referees/reviewers/evaluators).


Arango Restrepo, P. (2014). Conflicto de intereses en investigación. Producción + Limpia, 9(2), 36-44.

Thompson, D. (1993). Understanding Financial Conflicts of Interest. The New England Journal of Medicine, 329, 573-576 Recuperado