



autonomous learning, complexity, knowledge, meaningful teaching, higher order thinking


This research, as a result of a documentary review, analyzes the tangential aspects of the work of Matthew Lipman and his contributions to the teaching and learning processes in times of complexity. Hence, the author is assumed as a reference from which to generate spaces to teach and learn in a timely manner, privileging the development of critical thinking skills that contribute to the understanding of the abundant information that circulates within scientific-academic communities in an attempt to achieve in those who form critical-reflective and analytical attitudes that allow them to learn for themselves as a task equally shared by teaching. In conclusion, teaching and learning in complex time’s demands promoting the operationalization of higher order thinking skills in the educational setting that allow those who are trained to face manipulation, distinguis-hing between what is true and what is not.


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Author Biography

Jesús Alfredo Morales-Carrero, Universidad de Los Andes

Profesor de Psicología General y Orientación, ULA. Magíster en Educación, mención Lectura y Escritura, ULA. Magíster en Educación, mención Orientación Educativa, UPEL. Doctor en Antropología, ULA. Líneas de investigación: lectura y escritura académica, violencia escolar y convivencia, educación en ciudadanía global y derechos humanos. Institución de adscripción: Universidad de Los Andes, ULA, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Morales-Carrero, J. A. . (2024). TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESSES IN TIMES OF COMPLEXITY. SUGGESTIONS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF MATTHEW LIPMAN. INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSTGRADO, 39(1), 9–27. https://doi.org/10.56219/investigacinypostgrado.v39i1.2697


