



emotional intelligence, entrepreneurial self-efficacy, creative capacity, Amazon universities


This research work aimed at establishing a relationship between emotional intelligence, the entrepreneurial self-efficacy and creative skills of engineering students of Peruvian Amazonia Universities. To do so, a quantitative, transversal and correlational research was carried out. Selfefficacy instruments of Noble, Jung and Ehrlich, creative skills tests of Armitage and Conner, as well as an emotional intelligence test developed by Shutte, were employed. These instruments were served in a sample of 360 students of Peruvian Amazonia universities, through a probabilistic and stratified sampling. Results indicate that there are positive and significant relationships between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy, and the creative capacity of these students to be included in their pedagogical action.


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Author Biographies

Dulio Oseda-Gago, Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia

Ph.D. en Administración de Negocios. Universidad de adscripción: Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia.


Fidel Onésimo Arauco-Canturín, Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú

Doctorado en Administración. Universidad de adscripción: Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú.

Felisícimo German Ramírez-Rosales, Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica

Director de Posgrado (Ingeniería de Minas Civil Ambiental). Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación. National University of Education Enrique Guzmán y Valle (Lima, Perú). Ingeniero metalúrgico (Daniel Alcides Carrión National University: Cerro de Pasco (Perú).


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How to Cite

Oseda-Gago, D. ., Arauco-Canturín, F. O. ., & Ramírez-Rosales, F. G. . (2019). EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, ENTREPRENEURIAL SELF-EFFICAY AND CREATIVE CAPACITY IN THE PERUVIAN AMAZONIA UNIVERSITIES. INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSTGRADO, 34(1), 181–196. https://doi.org/10.56219/investigacinypostgrado.v34i1.2802


